Friday, May 16, 2014

Looking for New Distributors!

I'm always looking for new It Works Distributors!
  • Are you looking for a stay at home business?
  • Perhaps you need some extra monthly income?
  • Do you want fun and excitement in your life, and make money while you're doing it?
That last question really strikes a chord with me. I have to tell you, I am having so much fun with my life and my business right now I don't know which one is the most responsible for it!

I'm the kind of person who really has to have fun. There are no other options. I don't enjoy negative stress or drama. I like helping people. I LOVE spending time with my FAMILY on my schedule, and last but not least I really like making money!

Joining It Works as an Independent Distributor has afforded me all these things and more! I love this business. I'm so happy I joined. I wish I had known about It Works years ago, but when it came to me and I realized the potential, I jumped right in. I've been with the company for over a year and I haven't looked back since!

It's been a year and in no time I've climbed up the leadership ladder. I am at Diamond Level, I have my own team, and I can't believe how incredible the It Works compensation plan is. That alone is a great reason to join my team, however there's nothing like the family, support and fun that comes with being part of this business.

It only costs $99 to join, plus other options on how to boost your business. Learn about it HERE  where you'll find a complete breakdown on how to get started.

Here I am with Irene & Geri, a couple of Distributors on my team, enjoying Boom Time in Seattle, WA.

I really enjoy the trips I get to take with my team. We learn a lot, we party a lot, and we have a lot of F.U.N!

With my sons in beautiful Santa Barbara, CA. Family Time!
Of course spending time with my family is the most important part of working from home. I set my own hours. Family comes first and that's ok, It Works wouldn't expect it any other way and neither would I.

Are you ready to